Why Should You Try The Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula Today?
Why Should You Try The Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula Today?

Here are 4 good reasons:

“Brawn” is proven to optimize your Free Testosterone Levels & support Estrogen Detoxification - which is key to being healthier and more manly (simply take 2 high quality, easy-to-swallow capsules a day)...

Get more out of your Workouts - increase your Muscle Mass and get Stronger, ditch your unwanted body-fat…

Improve your Energy and Confidence - because optimal Testosterone Levels are essential if you want high “all day” energy, and the ability to feel confident in any situation…

Manufactured in the US, in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified Manufacturing Facility - so you know that every capsule contains exactly what it says on the label… nothing else…

“It’s Like Rolling The Clock Back”

I expected Brawn to be good, but not THIS good. I took it as the label suggested and within about 10 days I felt like I was in my late teens again. In the gym I felt INCREDIBLE ENERGY!!! As a result I’ve trained way HARDER than I have in years. My waist measurement is still the same (32”) yet I’ve gained 7lbs of muscle. Also hit my best Bench Press numbers in over a decade. And that’s not even the best part!!! My sex-drive has also gone CRAZY!!! I’ve not felt this much sexual energy in literally 20 years.
J.P, age 39

“It’s Like Rolling The Clock Back”

I expected Brawn to be good, but not THIS good. I took it as the label suggested and within about 10 days I felt like I was in my late teens again. In the gym I felt INCREDIBLE ENERGY!!! As a result I’ve trained way HARDER than I have in years. My waist measurement is still the same (32”) yet I’ve gained 7lbs of muscle. Also hit my best Bench Press numbers in over a decade. And that’s not even the best part!!! My sex-drive has also gone CRAZY!!! I’ve not felt this much sexual energy in literally 20 years.
J.P, age 39

“Feeling Stronger Than I Have in Years”

I’ve tried several other testosterone boosting supplements and noticed very little effect. Then I tried Brawn and the results have been amazing.
I’m 48, a lifelong martial artist, and an avid weight trainer all my adult life. But once I hit 40 I noticed the weight slowly creeping on around my middle, and I definitely lost some muscle size and strength.
However, Brawn has changed all that. I have my abs showing again, I’m feeling stronger in the gym than I have in years, and as a result I can feel the power and snap coming back in my kicks and punches. Other benefits? Definitely noticed my libido has gone up, that's for sure.
S.Y, age 48

“Got My Mojo Back!”

Brawn really has given me my Mojo back. Ever since my mid-30’s I’ve felt like I was on a downward slope, gradually losing muscle mass, strength and confidence with every passing year.
I’ve tried loads of supplements over the years and few have made a difference. But i decided to give Brawn a shot because I was already using the
Clubhouse Wood and Stud
supplements and they were working really well for me.
It took a little while to notice
results, but after about 2 weeks of using Brawn I was feeling fitter and stronger in the gym than
I have in a long time. My Mrs says she can tell my arms and
shoulders are bigger and my waist is smaller. Hearing her tell me all this on a regular basis has
definitely given me some
confidence and self esteem back. Although not as much confidence as the increases it’s given me in my sex-drive.
Me and the Mrs are having sex
3 or 4 times a week. Might not sound that impressive if you’re in your 20’s, but in your 50’s it’s pretty good going!
B.M, age 53

“Feeling Stronger Than I Have in Years”

I’ve tried several other testosterone boosting supplements and noticed very little effect. Then I tried Brawn and the results have been amazing.
I’m 48, a lifelong martial artist, and an avid weight trainer all my adult life. But once I hit 40 I noticed the weight slowly creeping on around my middle, and I definitely lost some muscle size and strength.
However, Brawn has changed all that. I have my abs showing again, I’m feeling stronger in the gym than I have in years, and as a result I can feel the power and snap coming back in my kicks and punches. Other benefits? Definitely noticed my libido has gone up, that's for sure.
S.Y, age 48

“Got My Mojo Back!”

Brawn really has given me my Mojo back. Ever since my mid-30’s I’ve felt like I was on a downward slope, gradually losing muscle mass, strength and confidence with every passing year.
I’ve tried loads of supplements over the years and few have made a difference. But i decided to give Brawn a shot because I was already using the Clubhouse Wood and Stud supplements and they were working really well for me.
It took a little while to notice results, but after about 2 weeks of using Brawn I was feeling fitter and stronger in the gym than I have in a long time. My Mrs says she can tell my arms and
shoulders are bigger and my waist is smaller. Hearing her tell me all this on a regular basis has definitely given me some confidence and self esteem back. Although not as much confidence as the increases it’s given me in my sex-drive.
Me and the Mrs are having sex 3 or 4 times a week. Might not sound that impressive if you’re in your 20’s, but in your 50’s it’s pretty good going!
B.M, age 53
From “Skinny Fat” to Jacked with Abs?
Hi, I’m Stirling Cooper,

Former Award Winning Adult Film Star, qualified Research Scientist, and founder of Clubhouse Supplements.
Take a look at the pictures above and you’ll see two very different versions of me...
On the left, before my career as an Adult Entertainment Star. In my mid-20’s, looking “skinny fat.” Very little muscle mass. A soft belly. Not strong. Not really very manly. Overall, not such a good look.
On the right you’ll see me today, at nearly 40. Noticeably bigger, way more muscle mass, much stronger.
And leaner. I have “abs.”
How did I go from “skinny fat” in my 20’s to jacked with abs at nearly 40? Read on and I’ll explain… and I’ll show you how YOU can build muscle and get stronger, no matter what your age…
Former Award Winning Adult Film Star, qualified Research Scientist, and founder of Clubhouse Supplements.
Take a look at the pictures above and you’ll see two very different versions of me...
In the first photo, before my career as an Adult Entertainment Star. In my mid-20’s, looking “skinny fat.” Very little muscle mass. A soft belly. Not strong. Not really very manly. Overall, not such a good look.
In the second photo you’ll see me today, at nearly 40. Noticeably bigger, way more muscle mass, much stronger.
And leaner. I have “abs.”
How did I go from “skinny fat” in my 20’s to jacked with abs at nearly 40? Read on and I’ll explain… and I’ll show you how YOU can build muscle and get stronger, no matter what your age…
There was a point in time when I was filming scenes for companies like Brazzers, Bang Bros and Reality Kings, where I became a bit self conscious about my body image. You might not expect to hear me say that, but it’s true

Think about it… I was on set most days of the week, getting naked with
beautiful women… and I was “skinny fat.” A part of me felt like I wasn’t good enough, physically…
And it wasn’t just the women who were in perfect physical shape…
many of the top male actors were too… Big muscles, 6 packs. You get the idea.
All of which made me feel a bit like “the odd one out.” Like I didn’t really fit in.
I decided to change that…
I started going to the gym several days a week. Following workout
routines from top bodybuilders. And while I gained a bit of muscle, progress was really slow and I was a million miles from where I wanted to be.
After about a year of consistently busting my ass in the gym, and seeing
very little in the way of results, I started to realize that there must
be something else going on…

Think about it… I was on set most days of the week, getting naked with
beautiful women… and I was “skinny fat.” A part of me felt like I wasn’t good enough, physically…
And it wasn’t just the women who were in perfect physical shape…
many of the top male actors were too… Big muscles, 6 packs. You get the idea.

All of which made me feel a bit like “the odd one out.” Like I didn’t really fit in.
I decided to change that…
I started going to the gym several days a week. Following workout
routines from top bodybuilders. And while I gained a bit of muscle, progress was really slow and I was a million miles from where I wanted to be.
After about a year of consistently busting my ass in the gym, and seeing
very little in the way of results, I started to realize that there must
be something else going on…
And this forced me back into my previous role - as a qualified Research Scientist… Once I started researching the factors that can affect muscle mass, the breakthroughs came quickly…
Free Testosterone, Estrogen & Why You Don’t Yet Look Like a Greek Adonis…
Free Testosterone, Estrogen & Why You Don’t Yet Look Like a Greek Adonis…
When you see a guy in great shape - with lots of muscle and ripped abs -
it’s easy to assume:
“Oh, he’s just on steroids.”
And of course, some dudes are. I mean, if he looks like Arnold Swarzenegger or any other pro bodybuilder - then he almost certainly is on steroids.
But what if he looks like a Men’s Health cover model? You know - a good physique…
but one that still looks “normal” and “achievable.”

When you see a guy in great shape - with lots of muscle and ripped abs -
it’s easy to assume:
“Oh, he’s just on steroids.”
And of course, some dudes are. I mean, if he looks like Arnold Swarzenegger or any other pro bodybuilder - then he almost certainly is on steroids.
But what if he looks like a Men’s Health cover model? You know - a good physique…
but one that still looks “normal” and “achievable.”
Well, my research - and eventually my own personal experience -
taught me that achieving THAT kind of look (decent muscle mass and abs) is very much doable naturally. Without steroids.
In fact, if you do it properly - as I’m about to show you - it’s a very healthy thing to do.
Here’s what I discovered:
Well, my research - and eventually my own personal experience -
taught me that achieving THAT kind of look (decent muscle mass and abs) is very much doable naturally. Without steroids.
In fact, if you do it properly - as I’m about to show you - it’s a very healthy thing to do.
Here’s what I discovered:

Most men experience roughly a 1% decline in their Testosterone Levels, every single year, starting in their late 20’s - now you know why most men feel significantly worse at 40 than they did at 20, really not too good at 50, and just plain old at 60...

Having healthy Testosterone Levels is vitally important if you want to build muscle, get stronger, have a strong sex-drive and so on… but it’s not as important as your FREE Testosterone Levels (because your body can only really use the Testosterone that’s FREE)

Many men today have lower than optimal Testosterone Levels, and higher than optimal Estrogen Levels…

This matters… A LOT. My research revealed that the number one factor causing men to become more and more feminine and obese, with less muscle mass, and less testosterone, is the estrogenization of everything…

In the book “Estrogeneration” by Anthony G. Jay, I discovered that there’s a conspiracy going on to increase the estrogen levels of men - making them fat, sick and infertile… this is being achieved in a huge variety of ways, including: excessive phytoestrogens in foods, estrogens in the drinking water (from birth control pills and other drugs), and xenoestrogens in plastics contaminating everything they touch

This combination - of less than optimal Free Testosterone Levels and higher than optimal Estrogen Levels - is a perfect recipe for being “skinny fat” or just fat full stop
Once I discovered this I went and had some testing done and was
shocked to discover that my Testosterone Levels were nowhere near
optimal (they were too LOW)... and my Estrogen Levels - while in
the “normal” range - were much HIGHER than optimal for a
young guy who was trying to build muscle and lose his belly fat.
All of a sudden it made sense…even though I was turning up and
training hard at the gym, because my hormones weren’t optimized,
my results absolutely SUCKED.
Meanwhile, other guys were seeing much better results than me,
even if they weren’t as consistent with their gym sessions, simply
because they had more optimal Testosterone and Estrogen Levels.
They may also have had lower Myostatin Levels than me - which is
key to muscle growth. But more on that shortly.
Now that I realized how big a role hormones played in terms of gaining muscle mass and losing body-fat, the next question was:
Once I discovered this I went and had some testing done and was
shocked to discover that my Testosterone Levels were nowhere near
optimal (they were too LOW)... and my Estrogen Levels - while in
the “normal” range - were much HIGHER than optimal for a
young guy who was trying to build muscle and lose his belly fat.

All of a sudden it made sense…even though I was turning up and
training hard at the gym, because my hormones weren’t optimized,
my results absolutely SUCKED.
Meanwhile, other guys were seeing much better results than me,
even if they weren’t as consistent with their gym sessions, simply
because they had more optimal Testosterone and Estrogen Levels.
They may also have had lower Myostatin Levels than me - which is
key to muscle growth. But more on that shortly.
Now that I realized how big a role hormones played in terms of gaining muscle mass and losing body-fat, the next question was:

How Can I Optimize My Free Testosterone & Estrogen Levels?
This is where nearly 2 decades of continuous research and real world experimentation - on myself, friends, family and colleagues - has paid off...
Here are the key nutrients you should take if you want to optimize your hormones and build muscle faster than
ever before…
To increase your Testosterone Levels:

Zinc Bisglycinate: Vital for supporting healthy testosterone levels, yet many men do not have optimal zinc levels because it can be difficult to get enough from the modern western diet. And also because ejaculation leads to a loss of zinc. For these reasons, supplementing with high quality zinc is a very wise idea for many men.

Vitamin D3: Another nutrient that’s essential for supporting healthy testosterone levels, and another nutrient many men don’t have enough of.
The primary way to get Vitamin D is via sun exposure, but most people don’t get enough of that, so supplementation is often a wise idea.

Vitamin K2: Very important for healthy testosterone levels, and also important to take the correct dose alongside Vitamin D3 because K2 ensures that calcium goes where it’s needed in your body - your teeth and bones. If you take Vitamin D3 without K2 there’s a risk that too much calcium ends up in your arteries.
To increase your Free Testosterone Levels, which requires lowering your SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin):

Tongkat Ali: A potent herb that supports your body in producing optimal Testosterone Levels and lower SHBG levels - it is great if you want to build muscle, get stronger and support your libido

Turkesterone: According to Dr Andrew Huberman, a Professor at Stanford University, this natural herb extract is as powerful as Deca when it comes to supporting your Testosterone Levels and helping you to build muscle mass

Boron: A mineral that reduces SHBG, and therefore supports your Free Testosterone Levels
To support Estrogen Detoxification, I discovered there are two key ingredients you need:

DIM: (Diindolylmethane): a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. It works by supporting Phase I liver detoxification by activating certain cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver. These enzymes support the first phase of estrogen detoxification. DIM may also help reduce the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, potentially lowering overall estrogen levels.

Calcium D Glucarate: works mainly by supporting Phase II detoxification and ensuring that estrogen (and other toxins) that have been processed for elimination are actually excreted from the body rather than reabsorbed.
Together, these 2 compounds provide complementary support for the body's estrogen detoxification pathways. DIM helps optimize how estrogen is processed, while Calcium D-Glucarate helps ensure that the processed estrogen is effectively eliminated from the body. It’s this combination together, which I’d never seen tried before, which helped me improve my muscle to fat ratio so quickly.
When you take the nutrients above, in the quantities suggested,
your Free Testosterone and Estrogen Levels will be optimized…
Giving you more muscle mass… increased strength… lower body-fat…
improved confidence… healthy sex-drive and so on. Of course, the only problem is…
It’s very time consuming and costly to buy all of these nutrients separately…
from different shops and websites… and then remember to take them all on a consistent daily basis… and I couldn’t find any other formula that contained
all these ingredients…
For that reason, I’ve created The Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula for you…
as a quick, easy and cost effective way to get ALL of these nutrients
that support the optimization of your Testosterone and Estrogen Levels,
into your system every single day…

When you take the nutrients above, in the quantities suggested,
your Free Testosterone and Estrogen Levels will be optimized…
Giving you more muscle mass… increased strength… lower body-fat…
improved confidence… healthy sex-drive and so on. Of course, the only problem is…
It’s very time consuming and costly to buy all of these nutrients separately…
from different shops and websites… and then remember to take them all on a consistent daily basis… and I couldn’t find any other formula that contained
all these ingredients…

For that reason, I’ve created The Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula for you… as a quick, easy and cost effective way to get ALL of these nutrients that support the optimization of your Testosterone and Estrogen Levels, into your system every single day…
Simply take 2 capsules daily. With water, juice or any other drink, and then go hit the gym! The results are going to amaze you (and women won’t be able to keep their eyes… or hands… off you).
And as if all that’s not good enough…
Simply take 2 capsules daily. With water, juice or any other drink, and then go hit the gym! The results are going to amaze you (and women won’t be able to keep their eyes… or hands… off you).
And as if all that’s not good enough…
Here’s Another Secret to Even More Rapid Muscle Growth…
Scientific Studies have shown that lowering your Myostatin Levels is like “taking the brakes off muscle growth.”
Take a look at the pictures of dogs and cows that have extremely LOW levels of Myostatin - they are absolutely JACKED!

Interestingly, studies have shown that Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Turkesterone (3 of the nutrients in Brawn) all support lower Myostatin Levels and therefore increased muscle growth!

How to Try The Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula with Total Peace of Mind…
How to Try The
Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula
with Total Peace of Mind…
When you order The Clubhouse “Brawn” Formula today, I want you to do so with total peace of mind… Without worrying about “what happens if the Formula doesn’t live up to your expectations.”
For that reason, I’m going to protect your order with a best in industry 180 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee.
This gives you plenty of time to test “Brawn” out for yourself, and feel the powerful effects. Then, if you’re not 100% satisfied, for ANY reason, simply ask for your money back and that’s exactly what you’ll get. Every cent. No Questions Asked.
I only want customers who are 100% happy with their Clubhouse orders. In the unlikely event that you’re not 100% happy, rest assured, I’ll make it right.

“Nearly 60 and Still Lifting 4 Days a Week”

Stirling sent me some Brawn to try a few months ago. I’m in my late 50’s and for the first time since my early 40’s I’m in the gym again, lifting 4 days a week (2 upper body sessions, 2 lower). Definitely felt a boost since taking Brawn, in terms of energy and my desire to workout. Also finding I can recover quickly from workouts that would have previously left me sore for days afterwards. I’ve lost an inch off my waist, and gained noticeable muscle all over (arms, chest, legs etc), since taking Brawn. Definitely keeping this in my supplement stack. Thanks Stirling!
T.M, age 58

“Another Clubhouse Winner”

I’ve been using Clubhouse Supplements since November 2023. Tried them all. Particularly like Stud for lasting longer. Now I’m using Brawn as well and it’s another winner.
I train mostly for hypertrophy and since taking Brawn I’ve certainly noticed a difference.
I feel “fired up” and highly motivated for every workout, my strength is up on all my big lifts,
and as a result I’m noticing increased muscle growth - in my upper and lower body.
A.C, age 32
This gives you plenty of time to test “Brawn” out for yourself, and feel the powerful effects. Then, if you’re not 100% satisfied, for ANY reason, simply ask for your money back and that’s exactly what you’ll get. Every cent. No Questions Asked.
I only want customers who are 100% happy with their Clubhouse orders. In the unlikely event that you’re not 100% happy, rest assured, I’ll make it right.
The Quickest and Easiest Way to Naturally Optimize Your Testosterone Levels:
The Quickest and Easiest Way to Naturally Optimize Your Testosterone Levels:

Take specific nutrients to support your Testosterone Levels - these include Zinc Bisglycinate, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2

Take specific nutrients to support your Free Testosterone Levels - TongKat Ali, Boron and Turkesterone are the best options

Take DIM to support Phase 1 estrogen detoxification, and Calcium D-Glucarate to support Phase 2 estrogen detoxification

Take nutrients to lower your Myostatin Levels - 3 of the best are Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Turkesterone
Key Points:
The modern western diet and lifestyle has significantly lowered the average testosterone levels of men of all ages - heavily processed foods, alcohol, and lack of resistance based exercise all contribute towards lowering T-Levels…

Many things in the modern lifestyle have caused estrogen levels to rise -
including eating and drinking from plastic bottles and containers, obesity, alcohol, certain medications and more…

Nutrients like Zinc, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, TongKat Ali, Boron and Turkesterone are the “Building Blocks” for Testosterone - consuming them on a daily basis will support your Testosterone Level and FREE Testosterone Levels…

If you don’t support Phase 1 and Phase 2 Estrogen Detoxification with DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate, then some of the effects of having high Testosterone will be lost - because having too much estrogen is feminizing for a man

Scientific Studies have shown that lowering your Myostatin Levels is like “taking the brakes off muscle growth.” Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Turkesterone (3 of the nutrients in Brawn) also support lower Myostatin Levels and therefore increased muscle growth!

When you take the nutrients shown above, in the dosages supported by Science:

You’ll build muscle mass and strength more efficiently…

You’ll lose ugly body-fat more easily…

You’ll have more energy, feel more confident and be more attractive to women…

Your sex-drive and overall sexual performance get some serious support…
When you take the nutrients shown above, in the dosages supported by Science:

You’ll build muscle mass and strength more efficiently…

You’ll lose ugly body-fat more easily…

You’ll have more energy, feel more confident and be more attractive to women…

Your sex-drive and overall sexual performance get some serious support…
Great News: in every dose of Brawn (2 capsules) you get the optimal combination of all 8 of the muscle building nutrients above. It’s also incredibly cost effective - when you order 6 bottles of Brawn, the daily dose of 2 capsules works out at less than $2 per day.
It's Totally Natural...

All of the ingredients in The Brawn Formula are NATURAL.
Many supplements contain artificial ingredients that are toxic and dangerous.
When you take Brawn you can rest assured that it doesn’t contain anything like that.
In fact, all of the nutrients in Brawn are incredibly healthy. Not only will they support the optimization of
your Testosterone, Estrogen Detoxification and reduction of Myostatin Levels - they’ll actually support your health and vitality in numerous other ways…
For example, Zinc will support your immune system and metabolism, TongKat Ali supports stress reduction and bone health, Vitamin D3 and K2 are essential for oral health, and so on.

It's Potent and Powerful...

Brawn doesn’t just contain 8 powerful nutrients that support your Testosterone, support
Estrogen Detoxification, and reduction of Myostatin levels…
It contains the highest quality versions of these 8 nutrients…
in the precise quantities shown to work by Science.

It's Proven to Work...

In my mid-20’s I was “skinny fat” - barely any muscle and a soft midsection. Not a good look.
Today I’m nearly 40, I’ve packed on significant amounts of muscle, and I have abs.
Obviously I’ve worked out at the gym to build muscle, and done plenty of cardio to get lean.
But working out alone wasn't enough. It was only when I optimized my Testosterone, supported my Estrogen Detoxification and reduced my Myostatin Levels using the nutrients in Brawn that I saw real results…
Big gains in muscle and strength.
And now countless other men have also used Brawn to level up their T-Levels and build a physique a man can be proud of. Which isn’t surprising because ALL of the nutrients in Brawn are scientifically supported.

*From the finest foreign and domestic Ingredients
It's Manufactured in The USA*

In a State-of-The-Art, FDA Registered, GMP Certified Manufacturing Facility. Meaning:
Every capsule of Brawn contains exactly what it says on the label - nothing more, nothing less.
Sadly this often isn’t the case with supplements. Especially if they’re manufactured overseas,
where quality standards are often much lower.

It's Subjected to Rigorous 3rd Party Testing

Clubhouse Supplements is dedicated to producing the cleanest, purest and highest quality supplements to help men optimize their sexual performance.
For this reason, all of our supplements are regularly checked for:




Toxic Metals including Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Cobalt, Nickel and Tin
These tests are done for every batch during the manufacturing process. We also regularly send our products off for third party testing by an independent lab.
As well as retesting all the above, we also do third party testing to verify the presence of various Nutritional Minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and Selenium.
Plus, if relevant, we also test to make sure there are no traces of pharmaceutical performance enhancing substances added.
If a particular batch of supplements doesn't meet our purity standards - we throw it out and start again.
You can see the latest updated third party testing lab results at the top of the page in the images section, or you can request a copy by emailing our support team at support@clubhousesupplements.com

It's Created by Someone with a
Unique Background
It's Created
by Someone with a
Unique Background
I used to be a NERD. A Research Scientist and Quality control Expert.
Then I became an Award Winning Porn Star.
I don't know of another Formula on the Market that's been
designed by someone with...
- My Nutrient Research Skills...
- My experience as a Adult Entertainment Star.
I used to be a NERD. A Research Scientist and Quality control Expert.
Then I became an Award Winning Porn Star.

I used to be a NERD. A Research Scientist and Quality control Expert.
Then I became an Award Winning Porn Star.
I don't know of another Formula on the Market that's been
designed by someone with...
- My Nutrient Research Skills...
- My experience as a Adult Entertainment Star.
I don't know of another Formula on the Market that's been
designed by someone with...
- My Nutrient Research Skills...
- My experience as a Adult Entertainment Star.

This makes the "Brawn" formula totally unique.

This makes the "Brawn" formula totally unique.

What is The Clubhouse Brawn Formula?
A Formula for men who want to build muscle and get leaner. The Brawn Formula contains 8 powerful nutrients to help you optimize your Testosterone, support Estrogen Detoxification and reduce your Myostatin Levels - giving you much greater muscle mass, strength, sex-drive and so on.
Brawn is manufactured in a State-of-The-Art FDA Registered, GMP Certified Manufacturing Facility in the USA… guaranteeing that what it says on the label is exactly what you get in each and every capsule of Brawn.
Brawn doesn’t contain anything toxic or dangerous. No refined sugar, no refined salt, no artificial preservatives or colourings, no GMO’s and so on.

How Does Brawn Work?
The quickest and easiest way to safely optimize your Testosterone Levels is to:

Take specific nutrients to support your Testosterone Levels - these include Zinc Bisglycinate, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2

Take specific nutrients to support your Free Testosterone Levels - TongKat Ali, Boron and Turkesterone are the best options

Take DIM to support Phase 1 estrogen detoxification, and Calcium D-Glucarate to support Phase 2 estrogen detoxification

Take nutrients to lower your Myostatin Levels - 3 of the best are Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Turkesterone
Key Points:
The modern western diet and lifestyle has significantly lowered the average testosterone levels of men of all ages - heavily processed foods, alcohol, and lack of resistance based exercise all contribute towards lowering T-Levels…

Many things in the modern lifestyle have caused estrogen levels to rise - including eating and drinking from plastic bottles and containers, obesity, alcohol, certain medications and more…

Nutrients like Zinc, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, TongKat Ali, Boron and Turkesterone are the “Building Blocks” for Testosterone - consuming them on a daily basis will support your Testosterone Level and FREE Testosterone Levels…

If you don’t support Phase 1 and Phase 2 Estrogen Detoxification with DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate, then some of the effects of having high Testosterone will be lost - because having too much estrogen is feminizing for a man

Scientific Studies have shown that lowering your Myostatin Levels is like “taking the brakes off muscle growth.” Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Turkesterone (3 of the nutrients in Brawn) also support lower Myostatin Levels and therefore increased muscle growth!

When you take the nutrients shown above, in the dosages supported by Science:

You’ll build muscle mass and strength more efficiently…

You’ll lose ugly body-fat more easily…

You’ll have more energy, feel more confident and be more attractive to women…

Your sex-drive and overall sexual performance are powerfully supported…
The modern western diet and lifestyle has significantly lowered the average testosterone levels of men of all ages - heavily processed foods, alcohol, and lack of resistance based exercise all contribute towards lowering T-Levels…

How Do I Know If Brawn is Suitable for Me?
If you already have optimal Testosterone and Estrogen Levels…
With the energy and motivation to train like a SAVAGE at the gym - at least 3 or 4 times a week…
If you’re already dripping head-to-toe in slabs of rock hard muscle… with 6-Pack Abs that women can’t take their eyes off…
If your sex-drive is off-the-charts… you have confidence like a Superhero… and women are generally attracted to
you like bees are to honey…
Then you might not need Brawn. Though it’d still do you good.
However, if you’re pretty sure your Testosterone and Estrogen Levels could use some support… and you’d sure as hell like to build more muscle, lose some fat, and generally feel more manly and confident…
Then you’re going to LOVE Brawn!

How Long Will it Take to See Results?
This will vary from man to man. That said, most men should feel results quickly, so long as they take Brawn according to the simple, easy to follow instructions on the label (2 high quality, easy-to-swallow capsules a day). If you also eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and sleep well, then results should be even better.

What Makes Brawn Different & Better Than Everything Else On The Market?

It’s natural…

Doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients…

It’s proven to work (containing nutrients that are ALL supported by science)...

It WILL support your T-Levels…

It WILL support your Free Testosterone Levels…

It WILL support your body in getting rid of excess Estrogen…

It WILL help you build muscle and strength, lose body-fat, confidence and more.

The list goes on.

In a nutshell…
Most supplements overpromise and underdeliver. Brawn is different…
Once you take Brawn and have the experience of feeling massive energy and drive in the gym (and the bedroom)
then you’ll understand just how potent and powerful this formula really is.

How Do I Take Brawn?
2 high quality easy-to-swallow capsules a day. Couldn’t be simpler.

How is Brawn delivered?
In a discreet, plain brown box. No one will know what you’ve ordered.
The bottle itself is slick and classy. You’ll feel proud to have it in your kitchen cupboard.

What if There’s a Problem with My Order?
We have excellent reliable shipping. Problems are rare.
However, in the unlikely event that there is an issue with your order, please contact my friendly US Based Support Team, and they’ll bend over backwards to help you out and make it right!
They’re available 20 hours a day, 363 days a year (only closing on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).
You can reach them via phone or email...

Phone: +1 (559) 608-3071

How Do I Contact Your Customer Service Team?
My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day, 363 days a year
(only closing on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).
You can reach them via phone or email...

Phone: +1 (559) 608-3071

How Long Will it Take to See Results?
Yes there is.
Brawn works.
So I have no problem allowing you to “test drive” it risk-free… by giving you a best-in-industry,
180 Day, No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee when you order your bottles of Brawn today.