Clubhouse FAQ’s

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What does Clubhouse Supplements Do?

Clubhouse provides cutting edge nutrition for men who want to optimize their sexual performance.

When you take Clubhouse Supplements you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to perform at the very highest level in the bedroom - allowing you to totally satisfy ANY woman.


How Do I Know if Clubhouse Supplements Are Right for Me?

If you are a MAN who is serious about optimizing his health and sexual performance, and blowing the mind of any woman he sleeps with, then Clubhouse Supplements are right for you.

In contrast, if, for some strange reason, you’re happy being only averagely healthy, and having mediocre (or lame) performance in the bedroom, then Clubhouse Supplements will still be good for you, but you probably don’t need them.


How Do I Know Which Particular Clubhouse Formulas are Best for Me?

We have an entire quiz dedicated to helping you figure this out. Please click here to learn more.


How Did Stirling Come Up with All the Clubhouse Formulas?

All of the Clubhouse Formulas were designed by Award Winning Adult Entertainment Star - Stirling Cooper - for one of the following 3 reasons:

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To improve his performance and support his career when he was filming Adult Movie Scenes

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To improve the performance of his friends and coworkers in the Adult Entertainment Business

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In response to his millions of followers and fans on Social Media, and his countless thousands of customers at Clubhouse - when they requested help with certain aspects of Sexual Performance*

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*For instance: Stirling created the Bold Formula to help men eliminate Performance Anxiety. This was in response to literally HUNDREDS of men sending him emails along the lines of: “Hey Stirling. I have no problem getting it up in general. But there’s this one really hot girl who I really like, and I just can’t see to perform when I’m with her”

Before Stirling worked in the Adult Entertainment Business he was a qualified Research Scientist and Chemist. This gave him the perfect background to be able to figure out what nutrients supported what aspects of Sexual Performance.


Does Clubhouse do 3rd Party Testing of its Supplements?


Clubhouse Supplements is dedicated to producing the cleanest, purest and highest quality supplements to help men optimize their sexual performance.

For this reason, all of our supplements are regularly checked for:

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Toxic Metals including Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Cobalt, Nickel and Tin

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Toxic Metals including Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Cobalt, Nickel and Tin

These tests are done for every batch during the manufacturing process. We also regularly send our products off for third party testing by an independent lab.

As well as retesting all the above, we also do third party testing to verify the presence of various Nutritional Minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and Selenium.

Plus, if relevant, we also test to make sure there are no traces of pharmaceutical performance enhancing substances added.

If a particular batch of supplements doesn’t meet our purity standards - we throw it out and start again.

- To see our latest 3rd Party Testing Results for Wood, click here

- To see out latest 3rd Party Testing Results for Fire, click here

- To see our latest 3rd Party Testing Results for Stud, click here


Which Clubhouse Formulas Stack Well Together to Optimize Results?

Here are 2 supplement stacks our customers love:

This stack is very simple, yet also highly effective. Wood makes your boners as HARD and STRONG as possible. Stud helps you LAST as LONG as possible. Together, they endow you with incredibly impressive performance.

Again, Wood optimizes your erection quality (in terms of hardness and strength). Fire optimizes your sex-drive and reduces your recovery times. Together, these formulas allow you to get rock hard and have sex A LOT more frequently… so you can satisfy even the most sexually demanding of women.

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This stack is very simple, yet also highly effective. Wood makes your boners as HARD and STRONG as possible. Stud helps you LAST as LONG as possible. Together, they endow you with incredibly impressive performance.

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Again, Wood optimizes your erection quality (in terms of hardness and strength). Fire optimizes your sex-drive and reduces your recovery times. Today, these formulas allow you to get rock hard and have sex A LOT more frequently… so you can satisfy even the most sexually demanding of women.


Do I Need to Do Anything Else to Get Results, in Addition to Taking Clubhouse Supplements?

Not necessarily. For many men, simply taking the correct Formula(s) will provide the nutritional support they need to get the results they want.

To find out which formulas are best for you - please take our quiz here

Of course, to truly maximize your performance and optimize your results, it also makes sense to live well. Doing things like:

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Eating a
balanced diet

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plenty of water

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Aiming to get
7-9 hours of sleep
a night

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Doing some cardiovascular exercise and some resistance based exercise

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Eating a
balanced diet

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plenty of water

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Eating a
balanced diet

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plenty of water

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Aiming to get
7-9 hours of sleep
a night

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Doing some cardiovascular exercise and some resistance based exercise

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Aiming to get
7-9 hours of sleep
a night

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Doing some cardiovascular exercise and some resistance based exercise


I Want to Strengthen my Erections - What Should I Do?

Take The Clubhouse “Wood'' Formula. Wood supports healthy blood flow and arterial health, while also strengthening your venous system.

The result?

Optimum erection quality.

Click here to learn more

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Take The Clubhouse “Wood'' Formula. Wood supports healthy blood flow and arterial health, while also strengthening your venous system.

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The result?

Optimum erection quality.

Click here to learn more


I Want to Optimize My Sex-Drive - What Can I Do?

Take The Clubhouse “Fire” Formula.

Fire optimizes your Sex-Drive and reduces your Recovery Times…
Giving you the desire to enjoy more sex, and the ability to do it!

Click here to learn more

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Take The Clubhouse “Fire” Formula.

Fire optimizes your Sex-Drive and reduces your Recovery Times…
Giving you the desire to enjoy more sex, and the ability to do it!

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Click here to learn more


I Want to Last as Long as Possible in Bed - What Can I Do?

Take The Clubhouse “Stud” Formula. Stud gives you the nutritional support necessary to help you last longer in bed.

Instead of lasting just 2-5 minutes during sex (like the average man), when you take Stud you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to support 20-30 minute plus stamina…

Leading to very SATISFIED women in your bed!

Click here to learn more

CH Stud_Bottle copy 2.png__PID:d3b72281-96e6-43e6-ad56-181cf9e9032b

Take The Clubhouse “Stud” Formula. Stud gives you the nutritional support necessary to help you last longer in bed.

Instead of lasting just 2-5 minutes during sex (like the average man), when you take Stud you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to support 20-30 minute plus stamina…

Leading to very SATISFIED women in your bed!

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Click here to learn more


I Want to Feel More Confident Around Women - What Can I Do?

Take The Clubhouse “Bold” Formula. Bold optimizes your DHT Levels, making you A LOT more CONFIDENT around women.

When you take Bold, emasculating issues like Performance Anxiety, Approach Anxiety and Fear of Rejection stop being problems for you. Allowing you to meet, attract, date and successfully bed the women of your dreams.

Click here to learn more

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Take The Clubhouse “Bold” Formula. Bold optimizes your DHT Levels, making you A LOT more CONFIDENT around women.

When you take Bold, emasculating issues like Performance Anxiety, Approach Anxiety and Fear of Rejection stop being problems for you. Allowing you to meet, attract, date and successfully bed the women of your dreams.

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Click here to learn more


What is The Clubhouse “Wood” Formula?

A unique Formula designed to help men optimize the size and strength of their erections.

Click here to learn more


What is The Clubhouse “Fire” Formula?

A Scientifically created Formula for men who want higher sex-drives, and shorter recovery times after ejaculation.

Click here to learn more


What is The Clubhouse “Stud” Formula?

Stud is the best Formula for men who want to LAST LONGER in bed. Stud isn’t for men who just want to “get laid.”

Stud is for men who want to perform like Adult Entertainment Stars in the bedroom - satisfying their women over and over again with their virtually limitless stamina.

Click here to learn more


What is The Clubhouse “Bold” Formula?

Bold is the Clubhouse Formula for men who want to feel more confident around women, and eliminate issues like Performance Anxiety, Approach Anxiety and Fear of Rejection.

Click here to learn more


I Often Struggle to Perform When I’m with a Woman I’m Really Attracted to - Is There a Solution?


Take the Clubhouse “Bold” Formula.

Bold optimizes a very specific hormone that gives you incredible confidence. Once you have enough of this hormone, Performance Anxiety becomes a thing of the past…

Click here to learn more


What’s The Difference Between The Clubhouse “Wood” Formula and The “Bold” Formula?

If you have issues performing no matter the scenario - and you need support for your blood flow and arterial health - then Wood is the Formula for you.

In contrast, if you wake up hard in the mornings, and/or have no trouble “getting it up” to masturbate, and/or get spontaneous boners throughout the day… but you cannot perform when you’re with a REAL woman who you are highly attracted to… then you have Performance Anxiety…

In which case, you need to take Bold.

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What do Clubhouse Supplements Do?

Clubhouse provides cutting edge nutrition for men who want to optimize their sexual performance.

When you take Clubhouse Supplements you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to perform at the very highest level in the bedroom - allowing you to totally satisfy ANY woman.


Are Clubhouse Supplements Better Than the Competition?

Clubhouse is the only company on the market that produces Scientifically Formulated Supplements for MEN who want to safely and naturally optimize all aspects of their sexual performance…

Designed by a man who was both a Top Adult Entertainment Star and a qualified Research Chemist and Scientist…

Giving him a level of experience in “the lab” and in “the bedroom” that you simply can’t find elsewhere!

Best part? Stirling has now combined that “lab” and “bedroom” experience into The Clubhouse Supplements - and you can take advantage starting today!
>> Click here to find out which Clubhouse Formula is best for you


Are The Capsules Easy to Swallow?


All Clubhouse Supplements come in high quality, easy-to-swallow capsules.


How Long Will it Take to See Results?

This varies from man to man.

But in general, you can expect to see results within 3-5 days.


How Are Clubhouse Supplements Shipped?

Discreetly. In plain brown packaging.

Nobody will know what you’ve ordered when they see the box.

And nobody will know the specific nature of the supplements you’ve ordered by looking at the bottles. All Clubhouse Supplement bottles are black and look slick in your kitchen cupboard, within saying exactly what they’re for.


Do You Offer FREE Shipping?


For US Customers who order 3 bottles or more, we offer free shipping.


What do Clubhouse Supplements Do?

We have excellent reliable shipping. Problems are rare.

However, in the unlikely event that there is an issue with your order, please contact my friendly US Based Support Team, and they’ll bend over backwards to help you out and make it right

They’re available 24 hours a day, 363 days a year (only closing on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day)

You can reach them via phone or email...


How do I Contact Your Customer Service Team?

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 24 hours a day, 363 days a year (only closing on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day)

You can reach them via phone or email...


Phone: +1 (559) 608-3071


How do I Know if Clubhouse Supplements Really Work?

Here are 3 good reasons:


We accept payment from major credit cards - including Visa and Mastercard. They will not allow a company to process payments using their cards unless the company is legitimate


We offer a No Questions Asked 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee. It’s impossible to do this, without going out of business, unless your supplements produce exceptional results


The founder of Clubhouse Supplements - Stirling Cooper - was a Top Adult Entertainment Star, who then devoted his life to helping men (and women) to live their best lives possible and achieve their true potential. Clubhouse is one way he directly helps men to achieve their potential (and indirectly and helps women too).


How do I Know if Clubhouse Supplements Really Work?

We have happy, satisfied customers in over 150 countries worldwide.

Check out some of their feedback below:

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Is My Order Guaranteed?


Clubhouse Supplements work. They deliver results.

So we have no problem allowing you to “test drive” them risk-free... by giving you a best-in-industry, 180 Day, No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee when you order today.

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Clubhouse Supplements work. They deliver results.

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So we have no problem allowing you to “test drive” them risk-free... by giving you a best-in-industry, 180 Day, No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee when you order your bottles of Stud today.


Why Are Clubhouse Supplements Not on Amazon?

At Clubhouse we want to offer our customers the very best experience possible. To do this, we have to provide as much information as possible about each Formula, in the clearest way possible. We feel it’s easier to do this on our own website, as opposed to Amazon’s or any other 3rd party website.


Are Clubhouse Supplements Compatible with Paleo, Keto and Other Specific Diets?


All Clubhouse Supplements are suitable for people following these diets:

Paleo, Keto, Vegetarian and Vegan.