This is really important for health and performance…
Let’s geek out a bit today.
Any of these sound familiar to you?:
“Listen to your gut”
“Butterflies in your stomach”
“No guts no glory!”
These aren’t just figures of speech…
There is a reason why scientists call our gut the “second brain”
You see, while many of us know about the neural pathways that make up our brain and spinal cord…
Did you know there are actually MORE neural pathways found in our gut?
Yes, it’s true. And it communicates directly with our brain.
In fact, 90% of communication between the gut and brain comes FROM the gut.
Though our gut can’t perform any high level thinking, our gut is the home of instinct.
Gut feeling is your gut telling your brain what decisions to make.
Like knowing you should talk to that girl, but you keep coming up with reasons not to…
Your gut even responds to it by giving you “flutters”.
Listen to your gut, because it often knows what’s best for you.
Another interesting thing:
How healthy our gut is can actually affect our mental health.
Our gut bacteria produces neurotransmitters that directly affect our mood.
The main ones being serotonin, and GABA.
Both help the body relax, sleep, and affect cognitive function.
In fact, 95% of the serotonin in our body comes from the gut, so it’s a big deal.
This is why people who are depressed or have anxiety can have symptoms like diarrhea and constipation. The gut and brain are directly linked.
A strong, healthy gut can help you respond better to stress, making you feel better as a result.
So we should fill our gut with a ton of good bacteria.
Diet of course.
Eat real food.
Avoid processed crap.
Eat some fermented food - like yogurt or sauerkraut.
If you eat well consistently, cut out the crap and include some fermented foods, your gut health will improve over time…
As will your overall health, mood, energy levels, and even sexual performance.